Tracy Leonetti- Moving, Living and Business in France

Episode 4- Accessing Healthcare

July 25, 2022 Tracy Leonetti Season 1 Episode 4

The CPAM is the healthcare affiliation organisation, and it has become very complicated since the covid restrictions moved everything online. 
There was a time when you could just walk into your local office and ask a question. There was no Carte Vitale, no automatic reimbursements, and no Ameli online accounts- it was all done in paperwork and it was regularly lost! (Ok, maybe that still happens sometimes) 

Although we have come a long way, moving everything online over the restrictions has made it very challenging for most. In this episode, Tracy talks you through what you will need depending on your circumstances. 

As always, if you have any questions or if we can help make this less of a headache for you, contact us at

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